Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Modern Guide to a Career Transition

The Modern Guide to a Career TransitionThe Modern Guide to a Career TransitionThe Modern Guide to a Career TransitionChange can be a good thing.Looking to transition to a new career? Youre not alone. A growing number of people, especially millennials, are jumping into new careers. But that doesnt mean a career change isnt a difficult process, especially if youre trying to move to an industry where you dont have much, if any, experience. Before you make the switch to something new, do your research and follow unterstellung five steps.Land your dream job, with a professionally written resume.1. Consider your options.Before blindly jumping into something new, consider the why behind your actions are you unhappy with your current job and find the work unsatisfying? Is it simply the people you work with that are making you want something new? Take some time to reflect on your skills and interests to identify the work that would be the most enjoyable and rewarding for you. Look at your li kes and dislikes, your talents, and your ideal work environment. You can also ask around and talk to other people who have moved on from a career similar to yours.Some industries lend themselves to an easier career transition than others, so look for connections you can build between your current work and what you hope to be doing. Theres a fine line between blindly following your dreams and starting completely over versus pivoting to a slightly related career where you can capitalize on much of your past experience consider the pros and cons to starting fresh or staying closer to home. Setting strong career goals can help you visualize what you really want and can be a guiding force through your career transition.2. Grow your network.The first step to a career change is to build a strong network of people in your current and desired industries. These people can serve as a sort of advisory board to provide advice and guidance for your new job search. Even more importantly, they can often connect you with hiring managers and point you in the direction of open positions. With relatively little experience in your new career, having someone who can vouch for you and open doors can be immeasurable.Look for additional ways to build your network by connecting with professional groups in person and online. These groups can help you learn more about the industry and whats going on and can connect you to a wide range of people who can provide connections, advice, or a friendly smile. Push yourself to get out there and attend networking events, ask for advice, and meet a variety of new people you never know who can connect you to your dream job.3. Learn the industry and build skills.Before jumping into something new, do your research and learn about how people work and talk in your new industry. Every industry has its own standard software and required skills. Is there a computer program you have to learn before you can even be considered for a job? Take the time to cr eate a strong arsenal of competitive skills that will be vital to your new position.Thanks to the internet and online courses, you can learn most skills, like coding and other software programs, fairly quickly and inexpensively. Getting certified or licensed in the right areas, such as earning your ACLS recertification or passing the CPA exam, can also help set you apart. Having these skills not only looks good on a resume and can get you past the initial screening, but is also vital to performing your job well and being prepared to make a difference in your new industry right away with little on-the-job training.You may also need to adjust how you communicate. If youre switching from marketing to finance, be prepared with the terminology and jargon youll encounter. Being able to talk the talk proves you understand the industry and helps you hit the ground running. Theres nothing worse than showing up for an interview or the first day on the job and not knowing what people are talki ng about. Read industry reports, talk to thought leaders, and peruse job postings to get an idea of the most commonly used terms and how you can incorporate them into your resume and vocabulary.4. Tweak your resume and cover letter.If youre competing for a job in a new industry with someone who has years of experience, youre likely already at a slight disadvantage. Your resume and cover letter can tell the story of who you are and what you can bring to a new organization. In general, you want to focus on the future by highlighting what you can bring to the company. Your previous experience and recognitions may be impressive, but with a career transition they need to be presented in a way that is understandable in your new industry and can tie the work youve already done with the new work you hope to do. For example, being the top salesperson at your old marketing job is impressive, but it doesnt translate well to the medical field. Use that experience to highlight your people skills and good memory, both of which can be advantageous in a new position. You can also highlight similarities between your old company and the company youre applying with, such as the size, systems, or revenue.5. Prepare for the questions.Once you land an interview, youll inevitably be asked about your potential career change, so come prepared with answers. Have a strong response for why youre switching to a new career it could be because you want to challenge yourself, help people, or follow your dreams. Stay positive and show how passionate you are for the new industry. You will also likely be asked questions about your previous experience and how it translates to a new position. When this occurs, look for the similarities between your previous experience and your new job and focus on results, such as the number of people you managed, the amount of money you raised for a cause, an increase in revenue, or the amount you improved a program. Avoid using jargon from your old industry an d put your answer in simple terms that utilize terminology from the new industry to showcase how your skills can transition to something new.A career transition can be a long and difficult process, but the payoff can be wonderful once you land a new position. Dont get discouraged through the job hunting process and try to let your passion show through. If all else fails, look for unpaid ways to get experience or expand your search to other similar industries. Soon you can join the ranks of employees in new and rewarding careers.Click on the following link for more advice on changing careers.Tell the career story for the job you want, with a professionally written resume.Recommended ReadingHow to Make a Career Change in 3 Easy StepsHow to Answer the Critical Question Why Should We Hire You?Career Changing Guide for Modern Job-Hoppers

Friday, December 27, 2019

Business Gift Etiquette Tips

Business Gift Etiquette TipsBusiness Gift Etiquette TipsGift-giving is a cherished tradition in sales. It ranges from freemiums- like getting a free toaster when you open a new checking account at yur bank- to expensive schadstoff packages for your best corporate client. Unfortunately, the wrong gifts can get a careless salesperson into a lot of trouble. If youre a B2B salesperson, you should be aware of your clients corporate rules on accepting gifts. Most companies have certain limits as to the value of gifts that their employees can accept. You will usually be safe if you dont give corporate employees anything that costs more than $25. If you feel the need to give something more impressive, ?making it a group present. For example, you could send an extravagant food basket for everyone in the Purchasing department to enjoy. When youre pricing gifts, stick to a value thats appropriate compared to how much your customer spent on your products or services. A customer who bought $100 w orth of products this year shouldnt receive a gift worth $200 or even $75. And never give any gifts to a prospect Even if you intend it simply as a kind gesture, your prospect will probably see it as a bribe- and so might her lawyer. For the same reason, dont give a gift to a customer who is in the middle of contract negotiations with your company. Adding a personal touch can give a small gift a much bigger impact. For example, if you hand-deliver your gift to your customers home or office instead of sending it in the mail, your gesture will give that present much more meaning. A card with a personal message and handwritten signature is more meaningful than a pre-printed card with a generic Thanks for being our customer message. As you get to know customers, keep notes about their preferences and use that information to choose just the right gift. On the other hand, if you dont know much about a customer, youre better off sticking with a generic gift than sending something that migh t be considered offensive. For example, sending a bottle of wine to a customer who is a recovering alcoholic will not be taken well. Common business gifts include calendars (especially at the end of the year), flowers or plants, food baskets, gift certificates, and charity donations in the recipients name. All of these types of gifts are generally safe, although you might want to confirm food likes and dislikes before sending anything edible. Sending a basket of nuts to someone who is allergic to them, or a pack of gourmet sausages to a vegetarian can have unfortunate effects on your customer relationships. Be especially careful when choosing gifts for a customer located in a different country. A gift that seems perfectly benign to you might send exactly the wrong message from the viewpoint of a different culture. For example, in China, its inappropriate to wrap a gift in white wrapping paper for anything but a funeral- because the color white is associated with death in the Chines e culture. Again, when you are in doubt, stick with a generic gift such as a gift certificate for a major retailer. Many salespeople send gifts to mark certain events in the customer lifecycle when a customer first purchases from you, or on their one-year anniversary, etc. Its also appropriate to send gifts on the customers birthday or during the holidays. But you can stand out from the crowd by being a little more creative in your timing. For example, if you have a number of small business customers, you might send a card or gift on the anniversary of the day your customers company went into business.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

More companies are giving employees time off to vote

More companies are giving employees time off to voteMore companies are giving employees time off to voteOn November 6, Americans head to the polls to vote for midterm elections, but for too many of us, the process of taking time off from work to go vote can be cumbersome. When the Pew Research Center asked Americans this past September and October why voting would be difficult, more than a fifth of respondents listed long wait times and large crowds and scheduling conflicts. In the 2014 midterms, Americans who did not vote said a conflicting work or school schedule welches among the top reasons why they did not vote.How many more Americans would vote if they had the whole day to do so? More companies are making policies to find out.Time off to vote movement spreadsTuesdays election day is not a federal holiday. Currently, there is no federal law mandating time off for employees to go vote, but in the absence of federal law, more companies are stepping in to make voting a workplace pr iority. Spotify, SurveyMonkey, and TaskRabbit are among 348 companies participating in a Take Off Election Day campaign to give employees time off to vote.Outdoor apparel company Patagonia said it is going one step beyond a few paid hours and is giving a full day of paid leave to employees. Patagonia closed its business on Nov. 6 and is giving its employee the day off as part of a Time to Vote company commitment.I believe this movement is crucial to the future of our democracy. Midterm elections suffer immensely from low voter turnout, Rose Marcario, CEO of Patagonia said in a blog post. Together, we can remove barriers to civic participation and encourage all American workers to be citizens and voters first.This movement has grown since the last election cycle. Forty-four percent of American firms will give workers paid time off to vote, up from 37% in 2016, according to a survey from the Society for Human Resource Management. When employees have the freedom to vote at their person al convenience, voting becomes easier for all to do.Maybe your company will be next?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analyst Resume Fundamentals Explained

Analyst Resume Fundamentals Explained Things You Should Know About Analyst Resume Data analysts are a crucial link in the organizational procedure of any enterprise. Employers generally have lots of resumes to check through, and they prefer short resumes they can receive all the info they have to know at quick glance. A Career Objective is valuable if youre applying to a certain position and ready to tailor your objective especially for that function. You also could have done Volunteer Work or independent Projects that you are able to include. Read resume articles focused on specific facets of job searching and the way to use your resume. Also, BASE SAS certification is going to be the cherry on the cover of the cake In case you have any questions or comments about how to compose a professional resume for a data analyst, dont hesitate to comment below. Its essential that the employer see a history of BA-like work if at all possible. The Key to Successful Analyst Resume No w take into consideration how youre able to show you will be a fantastic fit. The work description also has consulting with clients on how best to efficiently utilize technology in supporting the small business. Thus, your job application should be written so it can be readily understood by somebody from outside your industry also. Both can cause you to get exceptional but only one can allow you to land work. Basically, employers wish to realize that you can bring something to their team. Qualifications Potential employers in the area of investment banking will search for candidates with these qualifications in education and work experience. Hiring managers will truly feel exactly the same way. Most hiring managers wish to find a cover letter with your data scientist resume. Make certain you list software and certifications which best match the work description. My comprehension of the plastic company is extremely slim. An applicant which has a close match of keywords utiliz ed in their job application with the ones utilized in the work ad is going to have greater likelihood of being hired. Be sure your objective involves the particular title for the job that you are applying. The Birth of Analyst Resume Successful data analysts must discover helpful information from piles of information and offer tangible solutions. Financial analysis is just one of the most complex spheres of a contemporary business enterprise. Not all data entry and data processing positions will list a necessary typing speed, but a lot of them do. Writing a resume summary isnt necessary in such a circumstance. Do a little studying to learn the name of the individual who will make the hiring decision. If youre applying for work, any answer you give will be kept private and wont be used against you in any manner. If you previously do the job for us, your answer wont be used against you in any manner. Because someone may become disabled at any moment, were expected to ask al l our employees to update their information every five decades. You should also provide your prospective employer a concept of how you approach work. Part-time work has supplied a good grounding in the practical application of academic understanding. For additional emphasis you may add a number of bullet points to highlight extra skills which didnt quite make the cut for the exact top of the resume. Any resume ought to be tailored as much as possible to the particular job its being used to submit an application for. Not employing the perfect search phrases in your job application is among the most typical mistakes folks are doing when writing a rsume. The comprehensive data will help your possible employer to have a good comprehension of your worth. If youve got under 10 decades, going over onto another page only makes it increasingly difficult for a reader to absorb all of the information. Each business with an open position would like to fill it using a particular person who can continue to keep that information flowing smoothly and steadily. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. To learn more on what it requires to be a Data Analyst, have a look at our complete Data Analyst Job Description. For inspiration, take a look at the next Data Analyst resume sample Microsoft Excel is likewise very vital for many in the area, with functions like VLOOKUP and PivotTables of specific importance.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Air Force Combat Control Enlisted Job 1C2X1

Air Force Combat Control Enlisted Job 1C2X1Air Force Combat Control Enlisted Job 1C2X1AFSC 1C2X1 directs and controls the delivery and battlefield application of lethal and non-lethal airpower. Uses visual and electronic aids to control airhead in the area of responsibility (AOR). Establishes long-range command and control communications and intelligence (C3I) nets. Related DoD Occupational Subgroup 250 Duties and Responsibilities Conducts reconnaissance and surveillance of potential assault zones and target areas. Plans, coordinates, and conducts operations using advanced technologies to kooperation reconnaissance and target identification. Records and submits Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) data and site surveys of assault zones (drop, landing, forward area refueling points (FARP) and other areas critical to aviation. Evaluates and relays status of airfields and assault zones to inbound aircraft and higher headquarters. Provides limited weather observations, including su rface and altitude wind data, temperature, and cloud heights. Reports current battlefield information. Plans, organizes, supervises, and establishes air besucherzahlen control (ATC) in the target area. Initiates, coordinates, and issues ATC clearances, holding instructions, and advisories to maintain aircraft separation and promote safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic under visual or non-radar flight rules. Operates and monitors portable and mobile communications equipment and terminal and en route navigation aids required to control and support air traffic in forward areas. Prepares and issues advisories to pilots, ATC, and other agencies concerning weather, notice-to-airmen information, air traffic flow control measures, and wake turbulence. Provides flight assistance and emergency service to air traffic. Records weather and ATC data. Controls vehicular traffic on the airport movement. Identifies, assesses, and marks assault zones with visual and electronic navigation ai ds for day and night air-land and airdrop operations. Coordinates clearances, instructions, advisories, and air traffic movement with forward and rear area commanders. Uses ground-to-air communications equipment and visual and electronic systems to control and expedite the movement of en route, arriving, and departing air traffic. Directs actions to handle aircraft emergencies or mishaps. Coordinates with medical personnel on casualty and patient staging points. Provides airlift operations support that cannot be provided by combat communications groups or other agencies. Operates Global Positioning Systems (GPS) equipment to navigate for infiltration or exfiltration and locate assault zones. Coordinates airfield ground support (crash/fire/rescue, sweep). Maintains qualification on primary assigned weapons. Conducts fire support operations. Plans, coordinates, and conducts fire support operations to include close air support (CAS) and supporting arms. Employs visual and electronic na vigation and marking equipment to direct aviation assets to target. Issues weapons release clearance.Deploys into forward areas and forward operating locations by land (mounted, special purpose vehicle or dismounted), sea (surface or subsurface naval vessel, small watercraft, SCUBA, or surface swim) or air (parachute, airmobile, air-land) to participate in the full spectrum of military operations to include air expeditionary force (AEF), force projection, direct action (DA), counterterrorism (CT), counterproliferation (CP), foreign internal defense (FID), humanitarian assistance (HA), special reconnaissance (SR), personnel recovery (PR), non-combatant evacuation operations (NEO), integrated survey program (ISP), counterdrug (CD), and fire support operations. Uses demolitions to remove obstacles affecting safe air traffic flow in the target area. Specialty Qualifications Knowledge is mandatory of ATC and combat control principles and proceduresAircraft flight characteristicsEnco mpassing tactical airlift and weapons deliveryAir and surface firepower systems and effectsInternational Civil Aviation Organization, Federal Aviation Administration, and military air regulationsMap, aeronautical chart, and publication useCharacteristics and use of tactical and ATC communications systems and equipment,Air navigation aidsNight vision equipment GPS, and other operational equipmentMeteorology principles Deployment proceduresJoint service operationInfiltration techniquesMovement and route selectionAlternate insertion and extraction systems (AIES)Parachute procedures and equipmentJumpmaster training and small unit tacticsAmphibious and scuba operationsSmall arms and destructive demolition applications Education For entry into this specialty, completion of high school is desirable. Training The Combat Controller Pipeline Training is 35 weeks, consisting of the following courses, which are conducted at various locations Air ForceCombat ControllerOrientation CourseCombat Co ntrol OperatorFundamentalsCombat Control Tower TrainingJump School (U.S. Army Airborne School)U.S. Air Force Basic Survival SchoolCombat Control Apprentice CourseU.S. Navy Underwater Egress TrainingAdvanced Skills Training (AST)U.S. Army Combat Divers SchoolU.S. Army Military Free Fall Parachutist Course Experience The following experience is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated 1C251. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 1C231. Also, experience in reconnaissance, terminalcontroland combat enabling tasks.1C271. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 1C251. Also, experience performing or supervising duties involving reconnaissance, terminal control enabling tasks.1C291. in and possession of AFSC 1C271. Also, experience managing operations involving reconnaissance, terminal control, andcombat control enabling tasks. Other The following are mandatory as indicated For entry into this specialty, Successful completion of theCombat Control Team(CCT)physical ability and stamina tes t (PAST).For entry, award, and retention of AFSCs 1C211/31/51/71, physical qualification for air traffic controller duty, marine diving duty, and parachute duty according toAFI 48-123,Medical Examination, and Standards.For entry, award, and retention of AFSCs 1C211/31/51/71/91/00 qualification to bear firearms according toAFIs 31-207, Arming and Use of Force By Air Force Personnel,AFI 36-2226, Combat Arms Training, and Maintenance (CATM) and AFSOCI 36-2204, Special Tactics Operator Training. For award and retention of AFSCs 1C231/51/71/91/00Qualification as a static line and military freefall parachutist andas a scuba diver.Physical qualification and maintenance of personal physical standards as defined inAFI 13-219, Special TacticsStandards, and Evaluation, and AFSOCI 36-2204 Special Tactics TrainingEligibility for a Secretsecurity clearance, according toAFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management. Strength Req K Physical Profile XXX1XX Citizenship Yes Note Job not open to wo men Required Appitude Score G-44

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Define Resume Exposed

Define Resume Exposed Define Resume - Is it a Scam? Users are able to take advantage and use our present import sheets to produce updates instead of navigating through the system to update relationships and updates. Editing your layout may help you optimize space, but you should be certain to keep the document as uncluttered as possible. Using JavaScript has a price, and its entire cost in GNU would need to be integrated over its lifespan, probably 20 decades or so. Ordering is a bit odd here. Theres no need to bring a subheading. PCB comprises information related to a particular approach. A method is essentially a program in execution. In general, it can have one of the following five states at a time. It may be in one of the following states. Companies dont have the opportunity to interview every applicant thats interested in the job. Make certain its tailored to not merely the position, but the business too. So, when you submit an application for work in Greece, the u nited kingdom, or Denmark, your prospective employer will ask you for a CV. So much so, that even if youre not ideal for the advertised position, they would tend to abflug one for you. It isnt necessary to to mention your achievements at every position. One very significant part the work experience section is finding the best method to list your contributions to the organization. You require a job but arent sure of your career direction at this time, or perhaps youre eager to consider more or less any position. Not only is it an honest means to contact employees and share the required information with them, but additionally it is an excellent way to hear their feedback. Possessing a normal personal chat with every one of those who report to you will help you find a rise in employee engagement. Psychology-Understand how and why folks think how they do, then use that knowledge to create products which will appeal to the correct people. Make certain that you get the information youre looking for. Once you have written a work description look for strategies to create your explanation more concise. The company would like to think that you took the opportunity to read about and understand the job. Focus on how youre an advantage to the companynot the way the corporation can help you. Otherwise, it might be only the thing that loses your opportunity. Define Resume - What Is It? Neutrality-Conduct an unbiased evaluation of you and offer expert objectivity to assist you determine your very best focus. Dont forget, employers get hundreds of resumes and you would like the most pertinent info to be noticed. Objective Many regular resumes incorporate an objective as the very first section beneath the contact details. List your abilities and accomplishments utilizing the exact same keywords utilized in the description. The majority of the document is going to be based on your abilities and your employment history, so lets start from that point. As an example , experience with particular software programs like spreadsheet software could be important if youre asking for a finance job, but not necessary if youre asking for an industrial position. Make certain you keep each employee in the loop to prevent gossip and misinformation spreading in the workplace. The employee ought to be the primary focus of one on one conversations. The Basics of Define Resume The functional resume is utilized to concentrate on skills that are particular to the kind of position being sought. You may add Willing to relocate whether the position requires moving to some other city. Utilize your spacebar instead. Dont forget, your target is to catch the hiring managers eye and stick out from the remainder of the paper in that pile. The guideline is to check out CV requirements in the nation of your pick. It is better to list your abilities and achievements in bullet points. Letters dont have the capability to transmit malware or other harmful files that co uld be transmitted by email. It is possible to add the address of your professional site, portfolio, or LinkedIn Account if youve got them. You may also have to include specific info. A number of the info is subjective. Letter writing contributes to the mastery of the technique of great writing. The format employed in that document will be different slightly from the above mentioned outline. The cover letter ought to be a one-page document that gives clear and concise details as to why you desire the job. Your cover letter shouldnt be generic.

Monday, December 2, 2019

blur Group Finds Long-term Relationships with Service Providers Leads to Stale Ideas

blur Group Finds Long-term Relationships with Service Providers Leads to Stale Ideas New research from technology firm blur Group has found that about half of procurement decision makers believe that there are superior tafelgeschirr providers than their current partners, and 46 percent of companies think that they engage with the same partners for too long. Companies are looking for innovative approaches to supplementing business knowledge but 65 percent of procurement decision makers at large companies think that having long-term relationships with service providers results in fewer creative solutions. A further 43 percent agree that personal ties, preferred suppliers lists, and other extraneous factors force a continued relationship with providers demonstrating poor performance. Business isnt a marriage, but right now U.S. businesses must certainly feel like theyre trapped in an unhappy one with their service providers, Philip Letts, CEO of blur Group, said. The decline in creativity could be due to the trouble they have finding the most relevant providers for their needs. This could be solved using an s-commerce platform bringing together the functionality of enterprise class cloud services, marketplaces and community.Additional findings from the research includeSearch engines are used by 55 percent of companies when finding and interacting with service providers.55 percent of survey participants said that finding the most relevant service provider was a challenge during the procurement process.67 percent of procurement decision makers from large companies admit that their strategy is more standardized and needs a refresh. This compares to 48 percent of medium-sized companies. However, 21 percent of large companies are more likely to perceive their procurement as innovative, compared to 7 percent for medium-sized companies.Over 40 percent of companies admitted to personal biases when choosing service providers but 87 percent would like to partner with new providers. Only 70 percent of companies feel free to switch to new providers.